Making Music moves to part furlough staff until end of March | Making Music

Making Music moves to part furlough staff until end of March

Due to the impact of the pandemic, Making Music, the UK’s membership organisation for leisure-time music groups, is part furloughing its team from 18 January to 31 March 2021, reducing capacity by around one third

The organisation has taken the decision now while member groups are unable to meet, given the strict lockdowns or equivalent in all four nations of the UK.

Chief Executive Barbara Eifler says, “Until restrictions are eased or vaccinations have a significant impact, it is unlikely there will be any immediate changes to guidance or an opportunity for our groups to return to rehearsing or performing in person. We have therefore decided that in order to ensure the long term viability of the organisation for the public benefit, we need to make use of this government scheme.”

Making Music staff will still be available from 10am to 2pm, Monday to Friday, by phone and email, and all  online events will continue as planned. These events provide a space for leisure-time music groups to discuss the impact of the pandemic on their activities, and help plan for a safe return to music making when government guidance allows. Throughout the pandemic, Making Music has also built up a catalogue of resources to support member groups, which are all available online 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Barbara Eifler continues, “Current information suggests some in-person activity may resume from Easter, and so we want our team to be ready and working again at full strength by then, helping leisure-time music groups to navigate the post-Covid world and once more experience the infinite benefits and joys of live music making.”


Making Music, 8 Holyrood Street, London SE1 2EL
020 7939 6030

Twitter: @MakingMusic_UK
Instagram: @makingmusicuk

Making Music, The National Federation of Music Societies
A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales no. 308632
Registered Charity in England and Wales no. 249219 and in Scotland no. SC038849

Notes to editors

Since 1935, Making Music has championed leisure-time music groups across the UK with practical services, artistic development opportunities and by providing a collective voice for its members. We now represent over 3,700 groups made up of around 200,000 musicians of all types, genres and abilities. We help them run their group so they can get on with making music!



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