Carols from leisure-time music groups to be broadcast this week on Classic FM  | Making Music

Carols from leisure-time music groups to be broadcast this week on Classic FM 

Carols from leisure-time music groups to be broadcast this week on Classic FM 

Festive recordings from Making Music member groups to be showcased on Classic FM’s More Music Drive with John Brunning from 4pm to 7pm

Making Music, the UK’s membership organisation for leisure-time music, has teamed up with Classic FM, the UK’s most popular classical music station, to broadcast Christmas carol recordings from leisure-time music groups to a global audience.

For nearly two years, amateur music groups have had to grapple with a raft of challenges and changing restrictions, but they have still managed to make music together in brilliantly creative ways, whether meeting online, in person, or combinations of both.

In the autumn, Making Music invited its membership of over 3,800 leisure-time music groups to submit recordings of their group singing or playing a Christmas carol, made recently or in a previous year. Entries could be performed in person or entirely digitally.

The Classic FM team then selected five recordings for radio broadcast, to be played on Classic FM’s More Music Drive with John Brunning from 4pm to 7pm in the week beginning Monday 20 December.

The five leisure-time music groups selected for broadcast are:

Barbara Eifler, Making Music Chief Executive, said: 

“Another year of Covid and still leisure-time music groups are making music and bringing much needed joy to their participants and audiences. Long may they all – thousands of them across the UK – continue to do so! We are delighted to be able to showcase some of them thanks to this great partnership with Classic FM.”

Classic FM presenter John Brunning said:  

“Classic FM is the home of Christmas music and, once again, we are excited to team up with Making Music to broadcast these special carols recorded by wonderful music groups from across the UK. I look forward to playing them on More Music Drive this week and I know that our listeners will enjoy listening to them.”

Classic FM is available across the UK on 100-102 FM, DAB digital radio and TV, on Global Player on your smart speaker (“play Classic FM”), iOS or Android device and at

For more information, contact Harriet Laidler, Making Music Membership & Projects Administrator, at


Making Music, 8 Holyrood Street, London SE1 2EL
020 7939 6030

Twitter: @MakingMusic_UK
Instagram: @makingmusicuk

Making Music, The National Federation of Music Societies
A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales no. 308632
Registered Charity in England and Wales no. 249219 and in Scotland no. SC038849

Notes to editors

Making Music has championed leisure-time music groups since 1935 across the UK with practical services, artistic development opportunities and by providing a collective voice for its members. We represent over 3,800 plus groups made up of around 220,000 musicians of all types, genres and abilities. We help them run their groups so they can get on with making music!

Classic FM is the UK’s most popular classical music brand, reaching 5.1 million listeners every week. Classic FM’s programmes are hosted by a mix of classical music experts and household names including Alexander Armstrong, Moira Stuart, John Suchet, Myleene Klass, Bill Turnbull, Alan Titchmarsh, John Humphrys, Charlotte Hawkins, Aled Jones and Margherita Taylor. Since its launch in 1992, Classic FM has aimed to make classical music accessible and relevant to everyone and in doing so, introduce an entirely new audience to the genre. is the UK’s biggest classical music website and has 3 million unique monthly web and app users. Classic FM is owned by Global. It is available across the UK on 100-102 FM, DAB digital radio and TV, the Classic FM app, at and on Global Player. Source: RAJAR / Ipsos-MORI / RSMB Q3 2021.



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