Bristol musician wins national prize for commitment to music in the community | Making Music

Bristol musician wins national prize for commitment to music in the community

Lady Hilary Groves Prize to be awarded to Bristol musician, teacher, director and composer

Dr Mark Lawrence will be awarded the prestigious Lady Hilary Groves Prize for his outstanding contribution to music in the community. Making Music, the organisation representing over 3,500 leisure-time music groups and 190,000 musicians across the country, presents the award every year to an individual nominated by their music group for their outstanding contribution.

Making Music Board member Clare Birks said:

We were particularly impressed by Mark’s sustained commitment over 25 years to developing and celebrating the musical life of Bristol and the sheer range of his activities, from working with musicians of all ages and abilities in settings including health, care homes and schools, composing and performing contemporary operas through working collaboratively with adults and children to performances that bring together musicians from the community, schools, universities and opera groups.

Glynne Stackhouse, Making Music Board member, will present the award to Mark on 12 October at a performance of Mark’s latest opera 1918: Home at Last, featuring 300 local children, massed adult choir, choristers, professional musicians and an ensemble. It will be performed St Mary Redcliffe church in Bristol on 12 and 13 October. Mark wrote the opera with librettist Claire Williamson.

The Big Friendly Choir, which includes adults of mixed musical ability who find that singing helps them cope with physical and mental difficulties, nominated Mark for the award. Member, Frances Gee, said:

Mark has encouraged us all, many of whom have never sung before, to sing to the highest standard that we can reach. We are all so grateful to have such a talented and patient conductor.


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Making Music, 8 Holyrood Street, London SE1 2EL
020 7939 6030
Twitter: @MakingMusic_UK
Instagram: @makingmusicuk

Making Music, The National Federation of Music Societies
A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales no. 308632
Registered Charity in England and Wales no. 249219 and in Scotland no. SC038849

Notes to editors

Since 1935, Making Music has championed leisure-time music groups across the UK with practical services, artistic development opportunities and by providing a collective voice for its members. We now represent over 3,700 groups made up of around 190,000 musicians of all types, genres and abilities. We help them run their group so they can get on with making music!


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