A month of health and wellbeing workshops for musicians | Making Music

A month of health and wellbeing workshops for musicians

From Vocal Health, to Ways to Beat Stress and Deal with Perfectionism, right through to Drumming without Pain

Health and Wellbeing Month, in August 2016, will include a series of workshops to demonstrate useful skills and practises for musicians' health. The initiative, now in its fourth year, is a partnership between Help Musicians UK, British Association for Performing Arts Medicine and Musicians' Union. Events will be held in Birmingham, Cardiff and London.

Workshops include an array of different self-help or how-to type events presented by BAPAM practitioners who are well respected in their relevant fields. From Vocal Health, to Ways to Beat Stress and Deal with Perfectionism, right through to Drumming without Pain, the workshops will be available to all musicians or artists. Although primarily aimed at professionals at any stage of their career, at Making Music we think that these events can also be very valuable to amateur musicians.

All workshops are £5 for MU members, £8 for trade body members, and £10 standard price. Please click on the specific workshop listings below for further information, including how to book. Spaces are limited so please ensure to book in advance.

Tuesday 2 August, 2 - 4.30pm, MU Offices, London
Vocal Health with Jenevora Williams

Wednesday 3 August, 2 - 4.30pm, MU Offices, Birmingham
Vocal Health with Jenevora Williams

Thursday 4 August, 2 - 4.30pm, MU Offices, London
The Healthy Performer with Drusilla Redman

Tuesday 9 August, 2 - 4.30pm, RWCMD, Cardiff
Injury Prevention for musicians – a physiotherapist’s viewpoint with Sarah Upjohn

Wednesday 10 August, 2 - 4.30pm, MU Offices, Birmingham
Realising potential in performance: an introduction to Alexander Technique with Alison Loram

Monday 15 August, 2 - 4.30pm, MU Offices, London
The Healthy Pianist with Penelope Roskell

Tuesday 16 August, 2 - 4.30pm, MU Offices, Birmingham
The Healthy Performer with Drusilla Redman

Wednesday 17 August, 2 - 4.30pm, MU Offices, London
Ways to beat stress and deal with perfectionism with Carol Chapman

Thursday 18 August, 2 – 4.30pm, MU Offices, London
Drumming Without Pain: Injury Prevention Workshop with Martin Ranscombe

Monday 22 August, 2 - 4.30pm, MU Offices, London
Introduction to Feldenkrais for Musicians with Emma Alter

Tuesday 23 August , 2 – 4.30pm, MU Offices, Birmingham
Introduction to Feldenkrais for Musicians with Emma Alter

For any queries about workshops, contact Diane Widdison, National Organiser - Education and Training at MU on diane.widdison@themu.org.