Come and ‘Play Far Away’ in remote spots in North Yorkshire | Making Music

Come and ‘Play Far Away’ in remote spots in North Yorkshire

Individuals and music groups of all ages are invited to take part and help raise funds for the North Yorkshire music charity, NYMAZ.

NYMAZ’s Play Far Away Day on Saturday 18 June will see remote spots in North Yorkshire, from prehistoric rocks to heather moorland and rugged beaches, playing host to live music performances.

Whether you’d like to play flute on Flamborough Head or guitar in Grassington, record a recital in Reeth or sing in Swaledale, everyone is welcome to take part.

The Play Far Away Day is being organised by youth music development charity, NYMAZ, which champions the transformative potential of music for children and young people. The aim of the day is to demonstrate that everyone should have access to music, no matter how rural their location. At the same time, it hopes to raise funds for youth music projects across the county.

Heidi Johnson, Director of NYMAZ explains:

We are planning a really exciting day which showcases the dramatic landscapes of North Yorkshire, alongside the many talents of our residents! We’re looking forward to working with school ensembles, young people’s music groups, adult choirs, professional musicians and everything in-between.

Music groups as well as individual musicians – professional, amateur, young and old – can choose to perform just one piece of music, which they can share via a photo or video online, right through to playing a mini-concert for an audience. Your performance venue doesn’t need to be an existing live music venue, so think remote!

Fundraising packs will be provided to help participants generate support for their efforts, raising funds for NYMAZ and thereby helping local children and young people’s music activities.

With one month to go, Heidi is delighted with the response so far from music groups interested in supporting the campaign, but adds “We're hoping that more Making Music members can get involved, either by playing in a remote location, following events on social media or by making a donation”.

If you or your music group is interested in taking part, please get in touch with NYMAZ. Once you have registered your interest you will be sent a fund-raising pack and information about how to plan your participation on the day.

Further information is available on NYMAZ’s website, and everyone can follow the day’s adventures on Twitter via #playfarawayday.

Play Far Away Day is being held in association with Yorkshire Festival 2016, running from 16 June to 3 July, which reflects the artistic excellence and diversity of Yorkshire and creates opportunities for people to participate in the arts.