Opera Anywhere introduce themselves | Making Music

Opera Anywhere introduce themselves

Opera Anywhere has been touring opera productions since 2000, we’re a registered charity and have a growing reputation for creative, innovative and fun productions. Over the last couple of years we have been working and collaborating together with orchestras, several choirs and choral societies performing our ‘Mikado’, ‘Pirates of Penzance’ and ‘Amahl & The Night Visitors’ operas.

The G&S has been a great success in particular and choirs from as large as 300 to as small as 20, a youth orchestra of 90 have joined us to present a combined fully staged performances. There is a great example available to view on YouTube of one of our larger collaborations, a 300 strong choir and a 90 piece youth orchestra, perform The Mikado in the Colston Hall, Bristol.

You can see the various clips from our ‘Gurt Lush’ Mikado video on our website: OperaAnywhere.com.

Our productions are scalable and flexible and can fit into almost any venue, we’ve performed in village halls, large concert halls and amphitheatres. When we collaborate with choirs and/or orchestras we do try and find venues that can and have the potential to sell a minimum of 200 tickets, just so we can make sense of the numbers for everyone involved.

Opera Anywhere provide the main production which includes all the principal roles/characters costumed and with staging. We can even provide various sizes of accompaniment whether it be a piano, a flautist and where space allows, percussion. So whether you have a small or large choir, small or large orchestra, we’re keen to talk to you about presenting an opera together in your venue.

In terms of what we expect from the choirs and orchestras we work with; we expect them to help recommend the right venue, provide a fully rehearsed choir or orchestra ready for an afternoon run through prior to the evening performance with Opera Anywhere.

Opera Anywhere are very grateful to Vocalzone Throat Pastilles who are supporting Opera Anywhere’s Making Music corporate membership. Vocalzone has been helping singers keep a clear voice for over 100 years. For some great singing and vocal health tips check out Vocalzone’s YouTube Channel: