Wimborne Choral Society | Making Music

Wimborne Choral Society

Wimborne Choral Society was founded in 1978 by Christopher Dowie (christopherdowie@gmail.com), the then Organist and Master of the Choristers at the Minster Church of St Cuthburga in Wimborne, with the support of some 50 enthusiastic singers. Chris became the society's first Musical Director and continues to direct and inspire its members who now number about 55.

The Society's object is "to promote ... public education in and appreciation of ... music in all its aspects by the presentation of public concerts and recitals ...". Three concerts are normally performed each year in the Minster Church : in early December, late March and late June. Choral Workshops are frequently provided for members and sometimes also for the wider public.

Since its first concert in April 1978, the Society has performed over 95 works by 36 different composers, classical and contemporary. The Society has also performed abroad : in Czechoslovakia, the Hague and also several times in Normandy. In May 2004/5/6/7/8/9/10, the society performed with other choirs at Stourhead (N.T.). The Society is affiliated to Making Music and South West Arts.


Post code
BH21 1DY


Choral Society


Main: Classical
Other: Classical, Modern/contemporary classical, Early music