Introduction Thank you for your interest in applying for the role of Membership & Services Administrator Please note: You must be eligible to work in the UK. The deadline to complete this application form is 9:00am, Monday 24th March 2025. Two people will produce a longlist of candidates from the answers completed to Questions 2 to 4 in this application form. Please note we do not give feedback on unsuccessful applications. If you are a longlisted candidate, we will get in touch by 5pm on Tuesday 25th March 2025. We will send you a Microsoft Word template and ask you to provide information about your education, employment and volunteering experience. At this stage, we will ask you whether you have experienced barriers to employment opportunities in the past due to a protected characteristic or your socio-economic background. If you have, and we have to decide between two candidates of equal merit for an interview, we will take positive action to include you on the final interview shortlist. The deadline to submit the completed template and question responses is 9:00am, Monday 31st March. Interviews will take place on Thursday 3rd April at our offices near London Bridge train station. We will let you know if you have been selected for an interview by 5:00pm on Monday 31st March. We will pay your travel expenses to come to the interview. Please tick here if you cannot attend an in-person interview on Thursday 3 April Interview attendance Application process There are four pages to this online application form. It's not possible to save the online form and return to it later. However, the questions on each page of the form are also listed below and in the separate task brief document, this is so that you can prepare your answers before entering them into the form if you would prefer. You can copy and paste text into the boxes on the online form. The tasks should take no more than 30 minutes to complete and should be your own work without external assistance. If you would like to submit your application in a different format, please contact James at or call 020 7939 6030 and ask for James, to let us know what would work best for you. Page one: Tell us your contact details. This part of the form will not be seen by the two people who are shortlisting for the interview, we ask for them only so we can contact you. Page two: This includes the first task we would like you to complete as part of your application. It is about responding to a Making Music member email. Full details are in the task brief (below). You can write your responses directly into the box provided on page two of the application. We anticipate it will take 10 minutes to complete. Page three: This includes the second task, which is about working with data and attenton to detail. Full details are in the task brief (below). You complete this task by uploading a document. We anticipate it will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Page four: The final task is about prioritisation. Full details are in the task brief (below). You can write your response directly into the box provided on page four of the application form. We anticipate it will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Download the brief for all three tasks (word document) Leave this field blank CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Next Page >