Rossini Petite Messe Solennelle | Making Music

Rossini Petite Messe Solennelle

One of Rossini’s most celebrated and enduring works, the Petite Messe Solennelle is neither small nor solemn; rather it brims with exuberance and flair. Composed in 1863 when Rossini had settled into permanent semi-retirement, he paid little heed to public or critical tastes but rather let his imagination soar. This remarkable, idiosyncratic work highlights his mastery of the dramatic and the devotional, and represents the pinnacle of his péchés de vieillesse [sins of old age], the moniker Rossini himself gave his late compositions.

Petros Singers are delighted to share the stage with a line-up of world-class soloists to perform this uniquely thrilling work that never fails to delight.

Miriam Allan Soprano
Carris Jones Mezzo-Soprano
Thomas Elwin Tenor
Gareth Brynmor John Bass
William Vann Piano
Edward Dean Harmonium
Richard Bannan Musical Director

Petros Singers is West London’s leading amateur chamber choir, performing a wide variety of music – from baroque to contemporary, from large-scale works to exquisite miniatures – placing particular emphasis on vibrant and communicative singing.

Richard Bannan (musical director) was a choral scholar at Clare College, Cambridge before embarking on a career as a professional vocal musician, arranger and teacher. He now sings as a Lay-Clerk at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, and with many of the country’s major professional ensembles.

Event date: 
Saturday, 5 April 2025 - 7:30pm
Ticket Prices: 
Centre aisle: £30.00 | £25.00 concession | £15.00 age 30 and under Side aisles: £25.00 | £20.00 concession | £10.00 age 30 and under Gallery: £20.00 | £15.00 concession | £5.00 age 30 and under
St James's Church
197 Piccadilly
W1J 9LL London
United Kingdom