Come & Sing Mozart Requiem | Making Music

Come & Sing Mozart Requiem

Led by Ian Smith, join Danesborough Chorus members for a fun day singing the chorus parts of this ever-popular piece. Open to all who love singing. whether you sing regularly or not.
We will be accompanied on piano by Tim Grant-Jones.
Bring own lunch – tea, coffee and cake provided - donations invited. Registration from 9.30am. Ends at 4.00pm with a full run through with local soloists.

Phone 01525 376760 for more details or email

Tickets £15, Under 25s £5 (under 18s must be accompanied by an adult) available from

Event date: 
Saturday, 1 March 2025 - 10:00am to 4:00pm
Ticket Prices: 
£15, under 25's £5
Event Poster: 
Aspley Guise Village Hall
9 Woburn Lane
MK17 8JH Aspley Guise
United Kingdom