Orchestra Leader (Paid) | Making Music

Orchestra Leader (Paid)

Vacancy Type: 
Application deadline: 
Friday, 31 May 2024
Description of vacancy: 

Skills Required

  • Experience leading Grade 8 Orchestras
  • Ability to motivate and develop the Orchestra, including retaining existing members and attracting new members
  • Proven ability to perform in concerts with confidence and to override any performance anxiety of others



  • Attend at least 6 weekly rehearsals held on Tuesdays at St Botolph’s-without-Aldersgate (EC1A 4EU) in the City of London. There are 10 or 11 rehearsals per term.
  • Arrive at rehearsal early enough to be prepared to start on-time at 19:30 with tuning
  • One (1) dress rehearsal the day of the concert
  • One (1) concert per term
  • Three (3) concerts per season 
  • Commitment is for a full season



- Rehearsal Hourly Rate: £45; Time allotment: 2.25 hours (10-11 regular rehearsals, plus 1 dress rehearsal)

- Concert Hourly Rate: £50; Time allotment: 2 hours (1 concert per term)

Travel and expenses will not be reimbursed.



Please apply at the link below by submitting video audition of the following excerpts:

- Excerpts from any Mozart Violin Concerto, preferably No. 5 1st movement (opening exposition)

- Other orchestral excerpts of your choice

Please apply at https://www.amatiorchestra.com/join/