Making Music members’ carols to be broadcast on Classic FM | Making Music

Making Music members’ carols to be broadcast on Classic FM

We’re delighted to begin the countdown to Christmas with an exciting range of Christmas carols performed by our member groups.  

Making Music teamed up with Classic FM again and invited our membership of over 4,000 leisure-time music groups to submit audio recordings of their group singing or playing a Christmas carol online, offline or recorded in a previous year.  

The Making Music staff selected 10 submissions which we put forward to Classic FM. Of those 10, the Classic FM team selected five recordings to be played on Classic FM’s More Music Drive with new presenter Margherita Taylor from 4pm to 7pm in the week beginning Monday 18 December. 

We’re thrilled to announce the five selected to broadcast, as well as the other five selected by Making Music. 

The five leisure-time music groups selected for broadcast are: 

The tracks will be broadcast at approximately 6:15pm each afternoon (it may vary by a few minutes on either side, so tune in early). 

The five honourable mentions are: 


Barbara Eifler, CEO of Making Music, said: 

'Once again, we have loved listening to the fantastic submissions and it has been really hard to reach a shortlist of ten to submit to Classic FM. Every year, this partnership allows us to shine a public spotlight on some of the moving and inspirational performances by leisure-time music groups, especially at this time of year.' 

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