Adopt a Music Creator blog: A wide range | Making Music

Adopt a Music Creator blog: A wide range

Margot, member of Singing for Pleasure, reflects on her group's partnership with Dominic Matthews as part of their Adopt a Music Creator 2022 collaboration.

Singing for Pleasure has always had a varied repertoire. Over the last 12 years with John Sheldon, our musical director, we've sung a wide range of pieces: from Verdi to Vivaldi, from Gershwin to ABBA, from Labi Siffre to the Beatles. We’ve sung in French, Latin, African, German and Welsh. We’ve sung folk songs, protest songs, hymns, classical pieces, songs from musicals, Christmas carols and so much more.

So when we were matched with Dominic earlier this year, we were confident we could perform anything he composed for us.

'My music explores new ways to define the concept of colour in music…' - Dominic Matthews

And so began a journey. For many months we worked together to produce this piece of music. We had been warned we might be out of our comfort zone.… And you can say that again! At first it was difficult and we didn’t think we could do it. But thanks to John’s understanding of the piece, and his outstanding teaching and conducting, we left one day from rehearsal smiling and positive. We could do it - and we did it! We had our premiere on 10 December 2022 in Warwick.

Members of Singing for Pleasure standing up and singing, led by their musical director

A rousing performance by the Singing for Pleasure choir

It has been an honour for both the music creators and the music makers to be chosen for the Adopt a Music Creator venture. 

Find out more about Singing for Pleasure on their website.

Follow Dominic Matthew on Facebook / Soundcloud and check out his website.

The Adopt a Music Creator project matches vocal and instrumental leisure-time music groups with some of the UK’s most promising music creators to collaborate on creating a new piece of music. The project leads to a premiere performance and possible broadcast. If you’re a music group or music creator and you’d like to take part, find out more.