Sending Emails to a Mailman Mailing List | Making Music

Sending Emails to a Mailman Mailing List

Recall that every mailing list is identified by an email address, just like any other email address in the world, meaning that if someone - anyone (not necessarily a member of your group) - knows the email address, they can send emails to it.  The Mailman software has rules in it governing what to do when emails are received from unknown email addresses.

So an email can be sent to a Mailman mailing list from anywhere - any email programme (Microsoft Outlook, Mac Mail, etc) or online service (Gmail, YahooMail, etc).  Emails can also be sent to a mailing list from within the Making Music Platform website, such as the Send Email page, or via the functionality for notifying members of a new/updated song, event, document, news item, poll, announcement, etc. 

Sending Emails to Mailing Lists from the Send Email page

From the Send Email page, an email can be sent either to manually selected recipients, or to any of your mailing lists, as shown below...

To send an email to anyone of these mailing lists, simply tick the box next to the name of the mailing list you wish to send to, add the subject and body of your email, and click Send at the bottom of the page.

Sending Emails to Mailing Lists from a Song's page

From a Song's page, click on the Email song to members now button to display the Email song to members now box shown below...

To send an email to anyone of the mailing lists listed in the Send to drop-down list, select the mailing list name and click the Send button beneath this.

Note: In the case of the Song's page, the only mailing lists we can send an email to are mailing lists that contain only members, since song details cannot be sent to non-members.