Could HMRC review and reject a claim? | Making Music

Could HMRC review and reject a claim?

Yes. HMRC could investigate and reject any claim if they think it does meet the requirements.

Claims are selected on a risk basis. If a potential problem with a claim is highlighted at HMRC, it will be passed along for review.

Gift Aid is processed on a pay now check later basis. So a claim might be paid and subject to a check at a later date.

Our new guidance is based on HMRC’s written guidance and has been reviewed by a tax specialist. So as long as you are following it, then there shouldn’t be a problem.

The important thing is that you consider and implement the guidance in a fair and reasonable way, and, if asked, can demonstrate your assessment reflects the guidance.

It is a good idea to keep minutes of any meetings where Gift Aid was discussed and clear documentation of how and why decisions were made, and your justification for these decisions.

If there are any issues, you can contact Making Music for help