Creative Tax Reliefs Limited | Making Music

Creative Tax Reliefs Limited

Creative Tax Reliefs Limited offers expert accountancy and tax advice for orchestras and instrumental ensembles. It was formed in 2017 by Graham Suggett, former Lead Tax Specialist with HMRC’s Creative Industries Unit, and specialises in helping companies claim Creative Industry tax credits.

The Orchestra Tax Relief (OTR) scheme was introduced in April 2016 to encourage and support the creation of orchestral concerts. However, despite being named Orchestra Tax Relief, it can apply to other instrumental groups.

To qualify:

  • the concert must have instrumentalists as the main focus of the concert
  • the concert must have at least 12 instrumentalists, and the majority of the instruments must not be electronically amplified
  • performances must be performed wholly or mainly by an orchestra, ensemble, group or band.

To be eligible, your company must be an incorporated entity – this includes companies limited by shares or guarantee, CIOs, SCIOs and CICs. Orchestra Tax Relief is processed through the Corporation Tax system and is available to qualifying charities as well as commercial companies.

Find out more about claiming Orchestra Tax Relief

In addition to providing companies with Orchestra Tax Relief advice, Creative Tax Reliefs’ two chartered accountants offer a full range of accountancy services for the orchestra sector including:

  • preparation of annual accounts; independent examinations; company tax returns
  • personal tax returns for individual artists.

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