Volunteers' Week spotlight: Abigail Charles | Making Music

Volunteers' Week spotlight: Abigail Charles

As part of Volunteers' Week we're sharing stories of our amazing volunteers who help our member groups to keep making music. Today we hear from one of our Board members, Abigail Charles.

When did you get involved with Making Music?

I started as a volunteer in 2014 and then worked as Wales Manager supporting members in Wales for a couple of years until 2018. I currently work as Finance Manager for Tŷ Cerdd - Music Centre Wales. I’m pleased to still be involved with Making Music as a member of the Board.

What do you do outside of work?

Dw i’n dysgu Cymraeg! I’m learning Welsh and as well as going to a class once a week, I’m always looking for opportunities to practice. I am Chair of Cardiff Amateur Flute Ensemble which meets every other week. I’m also studying for an accounting qualification.

Do you play an instrument or sing?

As well as the flute, I play piano and saxophone. I have a few instruments at home which I’d like to be able to play better like my accordion, harp, violin and ukulele. My husband is just waiting for the day when I bring home a cello!

If you could invite one person, past or present, to dinner, who would they be?

Ella Fitzgerald — her version of 'Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered' is one of my favourite songs.

What was the last piece of music you listened to?

'The Land of Hush-a-bye' by Morfydd Llwyn-Owen, sung by Elin Manahan Thomas with Brian Ellsbury on piano.


Read more profiles of Making Music volunteers in our news and blog.

Volunteers' Week runs from 1-7 June and is organised by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO).