Masses for Double Choir | Making Music

Masses for Double Choir

Masses for Double Choir
Ralph Vaughan Williams - Mass in G minor
Kenneth Leighton - Mass Op.44
And organ works by Vaughan Williams and Kenneth Leighton played by Simon Leach

Saturday 23 November 2019, 7:45pm
St Mary's Catholic Cathedral
Broughton Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3JR

Tickets £12 / £6 via
or on the door (doors open at 7:15pm)

Music is a means of“stretching out to the ultimate realities through the medium of beauty.”
Vaughan Williams

The Scottish Chamber Choir, directed by Iain McLarty, opens its 2019/2020 Season with a concert of luminous music from two great British composers: Ralph Vaughan Williams and Kenneth Leighton.
Written for double choir, Vaughan Williams’ Mass in G minor (1921) and Leighton’s Mass Op 44 (1964) combine the lyricism of early English music with 20th century chromaticism and rhythmic intensity.  The result is a timeless, reflective choral idiom, creating a sense of human fragility and of searching for consolation in a troubled world.
Organ preludes on hymn tunes by the two composers, played by Simon Leach, organist of St Mary’s Catholic Cathedral, are interspersed between the movements of the choral works.

Event date: 
Saturday, 23 November 2019 - 7:45pm to 9:45pm
Ticket Prices: 
£12 standard / £6 concessions
St Mary's Catholic Cathedral
Broughton Street
United Kingdom