Personal Achievement Award nominations open | Making Music

Personal Achievement Award nominations open

Nominate someone working in music libraries or information services for the 2019 Excellence Awards: Personal Achievement Award. 

The International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML), represents people who work in music and music information provision in libraries and other institutions throughout the UK and Ireland. The Personal Achievement Award is an opportunity to recognise individual achievement by a member of staff in a music library service, and can apply to any aspect of service delivery or development. Anyone working in the sector as well as library users can make a nomination for the award.

This is a great opportunity to recognise and reward individual excellence by staff members, so please have a look at the criteria and think about if there is anyone you would like to nominate.

How do I nominate someone?

You will need to complete a supporting statement of no more than 750 words, explaining why you think the person you are nominating should be considered for the award, taking into account the award criteria. The Personal Achievement Award will be assessed entirely on the supporting statement you give.

Award criteria

The award is based on sustained good work and good practice which can be adopted or adapted by others. You may also choose for the nominated person to be considered for having been involved in:

  • Serious development of a service and/or
  • Innovation of obviously lasting value

The person you are nominating must still be employed by the library service at the time of nomination.

To find out more, or to nominate someone, visit the IAML website. The closing date for nominations is 31 January 2019.