Finding a perfect match | Making Music

Finding a perfect match

Ex Urbe choirs give us a delightful insight on being paired with composer Chloe Knibbs.

If you Google ‘find the perfect relationship’ it will, in the blink of an eye, show you 635 million results. 

Our desire to find the perfect match is, of course, hard-wired into our DNA but also the world of social entertainment. Switch on your TV, go on, search right now and you’ll find numerous reality TV shows letting us take a voyeuristic glimpse at those daring people who set out to find love while being filmed 24 hours a day and edited to within an inch of their lives. Whether you believe that the answer to finding the perfect match rests with algorithms and supercomputers, or simply listening to your heart – it is, in the infamous words of Ron Burgundy, ‘kind of a big deal’. 

So, I wonder what it’s going to take to find a perfect match between an up-and-coming, talented composer and Ex Urbe, a collection of passionate, willing and able amateur singers based in the West Midlands.

We’re about to find out and we’re really excited about it. Our matchmaker wasn’t eHarmony or Cupid, but Making Music which has been helping amateurs do their thing since 1935 (who would have thought they were in the dating game as well). And thanks to them we’re about to go headlong into a new 12-month relationship with Chloe Knibbs who is a Birmingham-based composer.

As you would expect, as soon as we heard the news, we were desperate to learn more about her. There was a rush of activity during our recent rehearsal when we were first told – with copies of Haydn’s Nelson Mass being thrown in different directions in order to find our phones and, with our best thumbs forward, type in what was required to reach her website. Here’s what we know: she seems like a perfect match!

Inspired by city life, folk tales and personal experiences, her music explores feminist and social issues.

Ex Urbe is committed to the highest quality performances and we love working collaboratively with others who help us all to bathe in the glory of understanding ourselves, others and the world in which we live, through the unique act of making music together. Perhaps we’re overthinking this, but we think this will be a perfect match and we can’t wait to get started. Chloe – you are going to be incredibly welcome and we think you’re fab already! That’s not a bad start to any relationship.