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Post date: Wednesday, 25 May 2016 - 4:28pm

Once a week rehearsal, once a term concert, once a year Christmas ‘special’... Do you ever feel that you need something exciting to liven up your season and boost your membership?

Post date: Wednesday, 25 May 2016 - 1:09pm

NYMAZ’s Play Far Away Day on Saturday 18 June will see remote spots in North Yorkshire, from prehistoric rocks to heather moorland and rugged beaches, playing host to live music performances.

Post date: Wednesday, 25 May 2016 - 12:59pm

Following our AGM on 18 June we’ll be holding the presentation concert of this years’ AYCA winners. Every year one of the big challenges we face, as we know many of you do also, is finding a professional standard piano hire service for an affordable price capable of working with us in a venue that they don’t necessarily know that well. This year that important role is being filled by Markson Pianos who we are also pleased to welcome as corporate members.

Post date: Tuesday, 24 May 2016 - 4:42pm

This summer, ten instrumental member groups will be featured on BBC Radio as part of the Get Playing initiative, celebrating and encouraging amateur instrumental music.

Post date: Tuesday, 24 May 2016 - 9:05am

BBC Music today launched Get Playing, a project that aims to inspire and bring together amateur musicians across the UK, while helping people discover or rediscover the joys of music making.

Post date: Friday, 6 May 2016 - 4:44pm

The flute, viola and harp trio can now be booked by Making Music members for a subsidised fee. They talk to Rey Trombetta about what promoters and audiences can expect from their performances.

Post date: Thursday, 21 April 2016 - 10:30am

This summer, we will be partnering with the BBC, ABRSM and Music for All to support the BBC’s ‘Get Playing’, a major new initiative aimed at shining a light on amateur music of all kinds. On BBC radio, television and online throughout the summer (including through two TV series – ‘The Great British Amateur Orchestra’ and ‘The UK’s Best Part-Time Band’) Get Playing will seek to inspire people to pick up instruments and celebrate amateur music-making across the UK.

Post date: Wednesday, 20 April 2016 - 1:17pm

Arts Award is a national initiative that aims to support children and young people (<25) to deepen their experience, engagement and skills in the arts. Young people can work towards a qualification at different levels, while Supporters (like your group) can find new audiences, members, Supporters and volunteers.

Post date: Monday, 18 April 2016 - 6:14pm

A commission takes time to come to fruition, and so it was that despite having been at Making Music now for four years, I had not witnessed the start of the process which has now resulted in a new piece by one of the composers most popular with amateur choirs: Jonathan Dove.

Post date: Monday, 18 April 2016 - 2:19pm

British composer Guy Woolfenden, patron of Making Music member Birmingham Symphonic Winds, has passed away.