Welcome to new Premium Corporate Member, The British Voice Association | Making Music

Welcome to new Premium Corporate Member, The British Voice Association

New Corporate Member The British Voice Association introduce their network of support and provision for performers and professional voice users.

The British Voice Association (BVA) is the 'voice for voice' in the UK, an association of multidisciplinary professionals who work to promote the field of voice in its broadest sense. Our remit is the encouragement of a healthy voice, vocal skills and communication in such areas as the performing arts, business and industry, medicine and education.

The British Voice Association recognises the human voice as an essential element of our communication and wellbeing. It is devoted to people with voice problems, ranging from severe pathology and cancer to subtle difficulty with artistic performance, all of whom are entitled to the best care available.

To that end, we are dedicated to supporting, informing and encouraging members of all professions who work with these individuals.

“The British Voice Association provides a unique network of support and provision. Linking world-class professionals working across multiple disciplines, the association strives to provide education, assistance and support to those for whom voice is their passion and/or most valuable tool." Craig Antony Lees, BVA President.

Our aims and objectives

  • Provide multidisciplinary education through symposia, conferences, workshops, training courses and interactive study days.
  • Encourage voice research and cutting-edge practice through prizes, lectures, courses, newsletter and website.
  • Provide our members with downloadable information leaflets on vocal health and vocal conditions for distribution to patients and clients.
  • Support people with vocal problems by providing information and advice, information leaflets and online directory of voice clinics in the UK.
  • Encourage greater awareness among the general public of voice disorders and the importance of good vocal health and communication.

Find out more about the BVA and how to become a member on their website.

Follow The British Voice Association on Facebook and Twitter.