Public vote opens for the President’s Award | Making Music

Public vote opens for the President’s Award

We’re delighted to open voting for the Making Music President’s Award to the public. Help us shout about the amazing volunteers in Making Music member groups

Not all heroes wear capes! The President’s Award, previously known as the Group Hero award, recognised the achievements of those who volunteered for Making Music. This award now recognises volunteers who have given exceptional service to any Making Music member group. This could be for a short-term exceptional effort, or a longer-term achievement, and it could recognise an individual or a group of volunteers (e.g. a committee). 

Now the time has come to vote!

Making Music has had the tough call to shortlist from an incredible range of people who have worked tirelessly to support their leisure-time music group in 2022. Below is a shortlist of four nominations. Find out who is in the running, read their amazing stories and vote for the individual that stands out to you. Winners will be announced at the Making Music awards ceremony on Thursday 5 October 2023.

*Voting has now closed*

2023 President’s Award shortlist:

Brian Woodley (nominated by The Blackheath Choir)

‘From the outset Brian demonstrated a willingness to take on roles that might be unpopular or difficult to fill-such as responsibility for liaising with the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA). He has been a loyal and conscientious member of the choir for well over forty years. Not only as one of the tenor sections but also as concert manager, a vital role that involves a lot of organisation. It has meant that all our concerts have gone smoothly. Brian also sits on our committee and is involved in planning our future repertoire – regularly seeking ideas from choir members of pieces we might want to sing, while also maintaining his encyclopaedic knowledge of pieces we have previously sung, and the year(s) in which we sang them.’

Read the full testimonial

Follow The Blackheath Choir on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram


Daniel Friesner (nominated by Wye Valley Chamber Music)

‘Daniel Friesner has been a dedicated volunteer for our music group for well over a decade. Twice a year, he decamps to Treowen Manor as an unpaid volunteer, in order to help in the kitchen and around the house. Daniel supports the cooks and other house staff with chopping, washing up, cleaning, setting tables and all manner of other tasks that are absolutely essential in making the weeks run smoothly for around thirty resident musicians. He has been our most loyal and reliable volunteer for many years. I feel that a round of applause or gifts at the end of each festival is really not enough to acknowledge the huge amount that Daniel has given of himself for our group.’

Read the full testimonial

Follow Wye Valley Chamber Music on Twitter 


Nikki Lord (nominated by Bolton Symphony Orchestra)

‘Since becoming Orchestra Manager Nikki has worked tirelessly to promote the orchestra, increase the diversity of audience and membership and improve the welfare of players. All under 19s are free at our concerts, but Nikki introduced a ticket offer so that children who have music lessons with local authority music services have a free adult ticket. Nikki has raised the profile of the orchestra by regular appearances on our local Radio Station, Bolton FM, and numerous posts on social media where until she took over, we barely had a presence. She works very closely with the staff at The Victoria Hall ensuring any problems are dealt with efficiently and discretely. She does all this whilst raising a young family and carrying out a job as an oboe teacher.’

Read the full testimonial

Follow Bolton Symphony Orchestra on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram


Seb Valentine (nominated by the Blue Light Symphony Orchestra)

‘Working tirelessly to promote, advance and develop the charity service offering and impact, Seb Valentine has expanded the board of trustees to incorporate professional representation from across the different services, he has coordinated a weekend workshop, spoken at paramedic training sessions and emergency service conferences. He is not only a passionate and committed president of the charity, but his musicianship is also exceptional, and his love of music is evident as he conducts the workshop orchestras with compassion and sensitivity. Workshops are highly praised by participants.’

Read the full testimonial

Follow the Blue Light Symphony Orchestra on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram

Find out the winner of the President’s Award, along with all the other Making Music awards, at our online ceremony on Thursday 5 October. You don't have to be a member to attend – book your free place now and get the champagne ready!