Use it or lose it! | Making Music

Use it or lose it!

Last autumn, consultations with users in Somerset and with Making Music over proposed changes to their Performing Arts Library (PAL) resulted in extensive revision of the proposals.

Somerset PAL is located on the top floor of Yeovil Library, and offers a large space with one of the biggest specialist collections in the region. The space also adapts perfectly for musical performances.

It is the recipient of two successive IAML awards for excellence, and is staffed by dedicated staff. The Library has

  • 4,594 music sets
  • 40,333 music scores
  • 2,198 drama sets
  • 40,968 single drama scripts

Single copy music covering most instruments, a variety of popular and classical vocal scores, full orchestral sets, and chamber music is available. Library members can browse the open shelves for single copy items, and borrow them on their normal library ticket.

A subscription service operates for the supply of music sets for performance. There is an annual subscription charge, and request fees which vary depending upon the size of the group and number of copies required. A discounted rate on both subscription charges and request fees applies to Somerset groups. Charges and conditions of use can be found on the Somerset PAL webpage.

Whilst Somerset PAL can be used by anyone, at present material has to be collected from and returned to a Somerset library. New members are always welcome. 

If you would like to get in touch with Somerset PAL directly, you can email the music library, contact by phone (01935-472 020) or write to: King George Street, Yeovil, BA20 1PY