50% rise proposed by PRS | Making Music

50% rise proposed by PRS

PRS for Music, the live performance royalty collection body for music in the UK, is currently consulting on proposed changes and increases to the classical tariff.

Their proposal is to raise the tariff from 4.8% to 7.2% over three years, but also to pull more receipts (e.g. booking fees, programme income) into how the income, and therefore the charge, would be calculated. We feel the reasons given for this proposal by PRS don’t stack up, and we know that this change would be a significant financial burden for our members and the leisure-time music sector. 

PRS have now extended the public consultation to 31 December 2019.

Making Music is joining a consortium of organisations with a stake in this negotiation, to provide a strong voice at the negotiating table. We will also submit a separate response on behalf of our members.

We now need your views!

How you can help us help you:

  • please read the proposal and consultation document on the PRS website
  • you can submit your own response directly online; if you do, please email us a copy 
  • OR complete the printable PRS response form and email it to us and/or PRS
  • OR just email your response to us in your own words to feed into our submission and that of the consortium



Making Music exist to celebrate, support and stand up for all leisure-time music, so whether you are a member of Making Music or not, please do get in touch so that we can best represent your views to the consortium and in negotiations with PRS.