
Post date: Monday, 6 August 2018 - 12:20pm

Music education for under-18s is a much-discussed issue. However our members – lifelong learners themselves – know the benefits of music for everyone, whatever their age. We asked them to tell us their key concerns around music education at all stages of life, and how we could tackle them.

Read the full report

Post date: Wednesday, 1 August 2018 - 12:31pm

Composer Max Charles Davies on the Adopt a Composer scheme, collaborations, the budding of working relationships and positive ebb and flow of ideas.

In my view, the collaborative element of the Adopt a Composer projects is an incredibly important strength. It has been really interesting reading the blog posts of the other composers and groups and learning how the various collaborations are taking shape, and how these partnerships are so much more than a composer simply writing a piece for a group to perform.

Post date: Wednesday, 1 August 2018 - 11:54am

Max Charles Davies on preparations for the inaugural public performance of his collaborative piece with Côr Crymych a'r Cylch as part of the Adopt a Composer project.

I joined Cor Crymych for their rehearsal on Tuesday 17 July ahead of the first public performances of Y Gors Fawr – the second of the five-movement piece we’re developing together.

Post date: Tuesday, 31 July 2018 - 11:36am

On the 24th July, the Agent of Change Principle was finally introduced into the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) for England.

Post date: Wednesday, 18 July 2018 - 10:48am

Anna Appleby has been working alongside Merchant Sinfonia on the Adopt a Composer scheme. After a year of collaboration and composition, it's time for the premiere of Turbines

Post date: Tuesday, 17 July 2018 - 5:26pm

Choirs across the UK are invited to adopt 40 different railway stations as part of Platform to Perform for BBC Music Day on Friday 28 September 2018. 

Local choirs and singing groups are invited to celebrate stations at the heart of their local communities and perform to passengers at times throughout the day. 

BBC Local Radio and TV will feature Platform to Perform highlights. There will also be moments on the BBC Music Day Live Page.

Post date: Tuesday, 17 July 2018 - 4:25pm

Bellfolk’s concert featuring the premiere of Peter Yarde Martin’s new composition, Starsong and Nocturne, took place in May in Norwich. The ‘Adopt a Composer’ scheme was a challenge in many ways for the team - not least ringing ‘randomly’ and following non-standard notation.

Post date: Tuesday, 17 July 2018 - 4:16pm

The Fretful Federation Mandolin Orchestra are paired with composer Esmeralda Conde Ruiz on the Adopt a Composer scheme. 

Post date: Tuesday, 17 July 2018 - 2:39pm

Making Music Board of Trustees 2018-19

At the Annual General Meeting on 26 June, Making Music announced the new trustees who had been elected to its Board. The three vacancies are filled by Valerie Taylor of Vocal Dimension Chorus (who has already served one term as a trustee), Abby Charles of Cardiff Amateur Flute Ensemble (who until recently was Making Music’s Manager in Wales), and Paul Graham of the Trinity Folk Festival in Guildford.

They join:

Post date: Tuesday, 17 July 2018 - 10:56am

After our recent AGM and the advent of some fresh faces on the Making Music Board of Trustees, we welcome Paul Graham in a quick fire interview.

What drew you to Making Music?
I am passionate about live music and wanted to give something back to society so MM seemed ideal.  I believe that we need to support the Performing Arts as a key sector of the UK economy and fear that with the decline of music in schools that this may be threatened in the future.