Missed the AYCA concert? Listen to the artists' recordings | Making Music

Missed the AYCA concert? Listen to the artists' recordings

MM Executive Director Barbara Eifler gives us a run-down of her AYCA concert highlights

Once again, the Annual General Meeting day included the concert showcasing the newly selected Philip and Dorothy Green Young Concert Artists, now available for you to book either as soloists to perform alongside your choir or orchestra or to present in concert, if you are a promoter.

You can claim a subsidy towards these bookings - £150 towards the single £250 fee of a soloist, or £250 towards the combined £500 fee of a soloist with accompanist.Those attending these concerts always come away enthused by the quality of these young artists who so often in the past have turned out to be the stars of the future. 

And so it was again this time. All the artists were of a fantastic standard – and this time you can judge their musical ability as well as their presentation skills for yourself, even if you weren’t able to attend the concert: sound recordings and video footage are now available.

Personally, I was particularly blown away by violinist Michael Foyle who wasn’t so much accompanied by Maksim Stsura as joined at the hip to him, and both playing from memory. But that’s just my favourites – yours might be one or several of the other six.