INCLUDE: The transformative potential of inclusion | Making Music

INCLUDE: The transformative potential of inclusion

Jan Sheward, founder of Cancer United and OutSingCancer choir, gives us an update on her group's involvement with Making Music's INCLUDE programme.

Who are we?

OutSingCancer is a vibrant and inclusive choir for anyone whose life has been affected by cancer. Whether they are a cancer patient or a survivor, currently undergoing treatment, or supporting a loved one, this choir offers a unique space to find strength, joy, and community through the power and joy of song. Led by the talented Music Director, Andre Da Silva, OutSingCancer rehearses several times a week, bringing members together, those who have received a life-changing experience to share their voices and give support to each other. The choir performs at a variety of events, from private functions to public gatherings, creating uplifting and heartfelt musical experiences. OutSingCancer is more than just a choir - it’s a family, uniting people in their shared journey and celebrating the resilience of the human spirit. 

Action plan implementation

Being part of INCLUDE motivated us to systematically review every aspect of our OutSingCancer choir website. This involved updating all the videos and testimonials, reviewing the narrative around joining the choir, and ensuring rehearsal times and locations were clear. We also added photos and contact details for our two Reps, along with a new FAQ section inspired by Worsley Concert Band's website.

Community event outcome

After the success of our March 2024 workshop and the Make Music Day event in June 2024, we are now planning another workshop for February 2025. We’ll invite those who attended the previous event, as well as other music groups in the area. This time, we’ll focus on topics that build on the progress from March’s workshop, and we’ll gather feedback from non-choir members to understand what might be discouraging people from joining the choir.

OutSingCancer on Make Music Day 2024

Recruitment drive

Our Census Comparison Survey, unfortunately, confirmed what we already knew – our choir demographic is primarily white, middle-aged, and female. To address this, we’ve taken a hard look at how we present ourselves and engage potential members, particularly men. One innovative approach is our 'GRO A MO AND SING' campaign, which ties into the November campaign of MOVEMBER. We’re offering two months of free membership to any men who grow a moustache and give the choir a try, with the aim of attracting more baritones. Additionally, we enlisted our lead cancer exercise trainer, Dwayne, to rejoin the choir in the hope that men attending our Cancer United gym might be encouraged to find their voices too.

Member stories

One of our Reps, who had been with the choir since its beginning, recently stepped down. This opened up a space for a new Rep to join. Sheila, whose husband was diagnosed with lung cancer shortly before she received her own cancer diagnosis, stepped up. After her husband’s passing, she felt lost, but OutSingCancer became her lifeline. Today, she says, 'This is me, and I love every minute'.

Collaborative efforts

Inspired by Luton Choral Society’s Make Music Day event, we aim to organise a concert that brings together a variety of leisure-time music groups, not limited to choirs. This is a project we plan to launch for Make Music Day 2025.

OutSingCancer choir at the inclusion workshop in March 2024

Leadership and decision-making

Although our choir is member-led, and the Reps serve as the voice of the members, INCLUDE has encouraged us to introduce a suggestion box. This tool allows the Reps to gather feedback and ideas for potential changes. Every week, suggestions are shared with the Music Director to ensure member voices are heard.

Lessons for other groups 

Over the past year, attitudes within the choir toward the INCLUDE project have shifted positively, reflecting a deeper understanding of its transformative potential. Initially met with curiosity and a degree of skepticism, the project has gained momentum as its inclusiveness and impact have become evident. The project's emphasis on accessibility and representation has inspired a more collaborative mindset, proving that INCLUDE is not just a concept but a necessary step toward a more inclusive and enriched musical community. 

Our key takeaway from this journey is the importance of regularly reviewing every aspect of the choir’s activities to ensure inclusivity and diversity. Staying alert to necessary changes is essential in creating a welcoming environment for everyone. 

Find out more about OutSingCancer on the Cancer United website

Follow OutSingCancer on Instagram

If you would like to know more about anything in this blog or you would like to tell us about your own inclusion work, please get in touch with Elizabeth Palmer, Inclusion Focus Programme Manager for the INCLUDE programme