Get involved in the 2022 Festival of Contemporary Music for All!  | Making Music

Get involved in the 2022 Festival of Contemporary Music for All! 

Festival Director Tamara Kohler introduces the Festival of Contemporary Music for All, a biennial event bringing together music makers of all experiences and backgrounds.

On 4-6 March 2022 CoMA will host 30+ events occurring throughout the UK and beyond, giving participants the opportunity to premiere commissioned works alongside professional players and take part in a range of workshops, developments and concerts. As a grassroots expression of music making, the Festival provides opportunities for unique artistic experiences as widely as possible, opening a culture of musical participation in contemporary music making.

CoMA is proud to continue our ongoing relationship with Making Music, inviting Making Music members and ensembles to premiere new scores, get involved with existing initiatives and even host their own events in the 2022 Festival. 

How do I get involved?

  • All MM members will be offered free access to newly commissioned instrumental and vocal scores, as long as they are performed in an event on the Festival weekend (4-6 March 2022). These scores will be available in early January, via the Making Music website. 
  • Present your own event in the 2022 Festival of Contemporary Music for All. This could be a workshop, performance, talk or really anything? As long as the event focuses on participation of amateur musicians in contemporary music, we are willing to consider it. CoMA may be able to support in the delivery of your event, so if you have an idea, please reach out to CoMA Festival Director, Tamara Kohler at
  • Get involved with one of our 30+ events running across the UK and beyond. In early January, CoMA will list all available events (live and digital), many of which offer opportunities for all comers to get involved. 
  • Learn more on the CoMA website

What to know more about the Festival? 

Check out our ‘What is the CoMA Festival?’ trailer below.

Any questions?

Feel free to reach out to the CoMA Festival Director, Tamara Kohler at