The final rehearsal!... | Making Music

The final rehearsal!...

Caroline Jones, MD of the Arden Recorder Orchestra reflects on the final rehearsal of Kirsty Devaney's Adopt a Composer piece.

You can see part of the rehearsal in the video below. We have advertised the concert extensively and Bolton FM have made a feature of it and have talked about it at length.

We have over a hundred children taking part from schools all over Bolton and Blackburn in Kevin Satizabal’s piece 24/7 which the children absolutely love. Charlotte Barbour-Condini is an ideal soloist to work with in the Vivaldi, technically brilliant and very musical. 

We are all very much looking forward to the concert on Saturday....this project has been a wonderful experience for ARO and it has really moved the orchestra forward.

And after the concert...

Arden Recorder Orchestra is still buzzing from our concert on Saturday at St. Catherine’s Academy, Bolton, giving the first performance of Kirsty Devaney’s work, [as if on a pivot]. We had almost three hundred people in the audience and it was described by the organisers as 'the hottest ticket in town'!

Pictures will be posted on the blog and Arden Recorder Orchestra Facebook page soon. If you can’t wait for BBC Radio 3 to broadcast it then come and hear it live at the International Early Music Festival Greenwich at 12pm on Saturday 14 November.