Corporate member blog: CHORALLY – a new hub for choral groups | Making Music

Corporate member blog: CHORALLY – a new hub for choral groups

Welcome to our new premium corporate member, CHORALLY, a dedicated online community platform that connects the world of choral and vocal music.

Founder Ian Clethero, whose musical journey began as a chorister at Ripon Cathedral at the age of eight (and continues on Sundays at the organ console at a church in Bromley), launched the project as he saw a need for a ‘go-to place’ online to make it easy for choir leaders, performing groups, singing enthusiasts, and organizations around the world to find information and network with each other.

CHORALLY, akin to LinkedIn for the choral and vocal world, offers a comprehensive range of features aimed at fostering connections and sharing resources, built around a members’ community. The platform also advocates for the sector.

Alongside local and international news, there are calendars of competitions and festivals, courses, conferences, expos, and updates about come-and-sing events.

CHORALLY also provides listings of job vacancies and opportunities, including young artist programs and awards, as well as a range of special offers and discounts.

CHORALLY’s members can get involved directly by creating profiles, networking with others around the world, and publishing their own content. Members can post on the go from their mobile phones as well as from their desktops.

To keep up to date with new content, members join the areas of CHORALLY that interest them to be notified automatically about updates. There is also a weekly ‘digest’ newsletter.

CHORALLY’s aim is to become recognized as the essential online community for choirs, groups, and singers around the world.

According to founder Ian Clethero, CHORALLY was recently coined as a verb by a choral conductor member looking for information, as in ‘Just CHORALLY it’. Hoover. Google. CHORALLY…

CHORALLY is delighted to have joined Making Music as a Premium Corporate Member. We look forward to working with the organization and supporting its many member groups.

CHORALLY Membership

There are two membership options for individuals: free Solo membership, with limited publishing rights, and a Pro members’ tier aimed at choir and group directors and professional musicians. Pro members can publish content in most areas of the site, including the events calendars and news spaces.

Choirs and vocal groups can join as Group members. As well as posting news and event listings, group members can advertise vacancies and other opportunities, and they can use an account with a group logo. Brand membership, aimed at organizations and companies, is also available.


Making Music members get a 25% off Pro membership and Group membership fees. Visit our resource page to find out how to redeem discount.

Visit Making Music on CHORALLY