Classic FM announces winners of Christmas carols broadcast | Making Music

Classic FM announces winners of Christmas carols broadcast

Our annual partnership with Classic FM has brought some incredible Christmas carols from our member groups.

It's a joy that our members are keeping this tradition alive. It's been a truly diverse mix of performances, from vocal to instrumental, from traditional to modern. 

Classic FM have selected five entries to broadcast in the lead-up to Christmas. With around 5.7m listeners, making it the biggest classical music radio station in the world, this is a fantastic opportunity for the world to hear our member groups at their best.

Here are the entries being broadcast this year:

  • Royal Choral Society – In the bleak mid winter
  • Grosvenor Chorale – Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
  • Bearsden – A Christmas Blessing
  • Huntingdonshire Phil – A New Years Carol 
  • English Chamber Choir – A Merry Christmas 

Congratulations to all our member groups who submitted a Christmas carol this year! Give them all a listen via our Soundcloud playlist.