Respond to the Charity Commission’s new social media draft guidance | Making Music

Respond to the Charity Commission’s new social media draft guidance

The Charity Commission recently released new draft guidance on social media use for charities and invites Charitable organisations, including leisure-time music groups, to respond to the consultation by 14 March.

The Charity Commission is seeking input from charities, trustees and the public to contribute to its new draft guidance, which aims to help trustees in their understanding of appropriate use of social media and developing their charity’s social media policy. The Commission welcomes insights on any improvements they can make to the proposed guidance.

‘You do not need to be an expert on social media to think about how your charity can use it effectively, the risks it may bring, and how you can manage those risks by acting reasonably, honestly and responsibly to protect your charity.’ - Charity Commission consultation description

The draft guidance and consultation come as a response to the growing use of social media by charities and a need for clear guidelines.

The responses gathered from the consultation will then shape the final version of this guidance which they plan to release in the summer. 

The consultation closes at 5pm, on Tuesday 14 March

Read the draft guidance 

Make a response to the consultation