Calling all pipers and buglers: take part in a special tribute this Remembrance Day | Making Music

Calling all pipers and buglers: take part in a special tribute this Remembrance Day

Bell ringers, pipers and buglers/trumpeters are invited to join A Nation's Tribute on 11 November 1918 to mark the 100th anniversary of the ending of the First World War, along with paying tribute to the millions that lost their lives.

Additional support for the initiative is being provided by the likes of the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund, Royal Naval Association, ABF Soldiers Charity and the Merchant Navy Association, with players invited to join 1,000 pipers, 1,000 buglers and 100 Town Criers to coincide with the ringing of the church bells and the lighting of 'WW1 Beacons of Light' in the evening.  

Battle's Over (6am) - for pipe bands/pipers

Pipe bands and solo pipers can take part by playing the Pipe Major William Robb composition, When the Battle’s O’er, at 6am local time at any location of your choice, whether a cenotaph or war memorial in your village, town or city – or even outside your house... The most important part is everyone playing the tune together at 6am local time. This is the time when the Armistice was actually signed on November 11, 1918. It came into effect at 11am.

Following the event, those taking part will be able to download the special certificate that they can then frame as a permanent reminder of their involvement.

To take part, please confirm your participation by emailing

The Last Post (6.55pm) - for bands featuring buglers and trumpeters

Bands featuring buglers and trumpeters (or solo buglers/trumpeters) can take part by playing The Last Post at 6.55pm on 11 November 2018 at any location of your choice (excluding 'WW1 Beacons of lights' sites) - for example, local War Memorials, Churches, Market Squares or other prominent public locations.

Locations will be added to the final listings available to the public in the Guide to the tribute, which can be downloaded from

To take part, please confirm your participation by emailing including the name of the band and/or bugler/trumpeter, location of performance, county, country.