
Post date: Thursday, 11 January 2018 - 5:46pm

I’ve been ‘adopted’! A strange concept for me to get my head around both personally and professionally, however, the guys at Edinburgh Concert Band (ECB) have been so welcoming that I feel like I do have a new musical family.

Post date: Thursday, 4 January 2018 - 4:11pm

Thursday 4 January 2018 at 7:45pm, Bellfolk Handbell Ringers met at Honingham Village Hall in Norfolk. Peter Yarde Martin (composer) and Jenni Pinnock (mentor) joined us to introduce the first draft of the music composed by Peter.

Post date: Tuesday, 2 January 2018 - 1:25pm

Since meeting our composer Esmeralda at the Adopt a Composer launch in September, I've found it to be a complete joy getting to know her. We are so lucky to be paired with such an exciting and creative person! She also happens to be funny, fun and vivacious. 

Post date: Monday, 1 January 2018 - 11:58am

Commissioned from Danyal Dhondy, with funding from the Nicholas Berwin Charitable Trust, the new piece will be available free to Making Music members until July 2020

Following the success of Jonathan Dove’s new piece Arion and the Dolphin (designed to be paired with Carmina Burana), the Nicholas Berwin Charitable Trust has funded the commission of a companion piece to Fauré’s Requiem, with forces matching the popular Oxford University Press edition by John Rutter.

Post date: Friday, 22 December 2017 - 11:13am

Music libraries are by no means used by all Making Music members. But to those groups that rely on them, these resources are a lifeline; enabling them to access a vast repertoire via Inter Library Loans, at a cost which ensures they can survive as a self-funded community group.

Councils, though, struggling as they are with their finances, are increasingly unable to provide a music library. In some cases (for example Nottingham and Norwich), Making Music has been able to work with the local authority to help develop sustainable models for such services.

Post date: Monday, 18 December 2017 - 1:00pm

The Berlin Philharmonic is looking for 100 leisure-time musicians to perform Johannes Brahms’s First Symphony on 21 May 2018 as part of their Education Programme’s BE PHIL Orchestra project.

You could play on Berliner Philharmonie stage in the place normally occupied by the Berlin Philharmonic under the baton of Sir Simon Rattle.

Post date: Thursday, 14 December 2017 - 12:46pm

This morning, Google sent out a notification email to 35,000 Google Ad Grant holders warning of forthcoming changes to eligibility criteria. They include some very significant differences meaning that, if you are currently using Adwords with a Google Ad Grant to advertise your group's website, you are likely to have some adjustments to make to keep your account open in the new year.

Post date: Friday, 8 December 2017 - 6:03pm

Since June 2017, the Scottish Government have been speaking to artists, cultural organisations and communities across the country in the first stage of developing a  culture strategy for Scotland. The culture strategy will create an overarching framework to support the long term development of culture in Scotland.

Post date: Tuesday, 5 December 2017 - 4:52pm

Composer Edmund Hunt looks back on his first rehearsals with Newcastle-based choir The Singers for the Adopt a Composer project. 

Post date: Monday, 4 December 2017 - 4:50pm

When we speak to new adult pupils we always hear stories of ‘I used to play when I was younger and I’ve always wanted to get back into it’. Perhaps you feel the same but ‘getting back into it’ feels too daunting a task. Sure, it takes a bit of confidence to make the initial enquiry but most music schools will wrap you up in a big warm welcome to put you at ease.