Digested news with all you need to know about what’s going on in areas affecting amateur music including forthcoming opportunities, campaigns and advocacy, resources, regulatory changes, events and feature stories.

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Displaying 457 - 468 of 858 results
Posted on 25 April 2019
You may have seen in the news recently that The Royal Opera House (ROH) has lost its appeal in the case of a viola player who suffered hearing damage...
Posted on 25 April 2019
Audrey Todd, Mandolinist in Da Capo Alba shares initial reactions to composer, Nicholas Olsen's score for the collaborative Adopt a...
Posted on 24 April 2019
Composer Nick Olsen offers a unique insight into new music in the making with Scotland's largest mandolin and guitar orchestra, Da Capo...
Posted on 16 April 2019
Making Music is thrilled to announce that one of the UK’s most successful music ambassadors has been appointed as its first female President....
Posted on 16 April 2019
Making Music is delighted to announce the winners of the Philip and Dorothy Green Young Artists award: Charlotte Bowden (soprano), Manu Brazo (...
Posted on 4 April 2019
Calum Gray, Musical Director of Southampton Concert Wind Band (SCWB), talks practice and polish as their Adopt a Composer project ...
Posted on 2 April 2019
Jess Griffin, of the Chandos Chamber Choir, on finding inspiration in poetry for their Adopt a Composer project with Laura Snowden.Since Chandos...
Posted on 20 March 2019
Audrey Todd, mandolinist in Da Capo Alba, talks trains and tracks on the Adopt a Composer project with composer Nick Olsen.Da Capo Alba...
Posted on 14 March 2019
Raise your voices in song to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of D-Day on 6 June 2019. The new project for choirs, communities and schools includes...
Posted on 11 March 2019
We are thrilled to announce the Sir Charles Groves Prize, awarded by Making Music for outstanding contribution to the musical life of the UK,...
Posted on 7 March 2019
Composer Robert Laidlow looks to puzzles and film editing for inspiration on his collaborative piece with the Southampton Concert Wind Band (SCWB) as...
Posted on 5 March 2019
The Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM), long at the forefront of lobbying for music (and arts) education in schools, has just launched its new...