Digested news with all you need to know about what’s going on in areas affecting amateur music including forthcoming opportunities, campaigns and advocacy, resources, regulatory changes, events and feature stories.

If your group is a member of Making Music, and you have a story you'd like to share about a project or activity you've been involved in, then let us know.

Displaying 361 - 372 of 842 results
Posted on 23 March 2020
Clare Edwards, Musical Director of Notorious Choir, tells us about the successes and challenges of the group's first online...
Posted on 18 March 2020
In light of the coronavirus pandemic in the UK, Making Music has been considering how best to support staff and members in these unsettling times....
Posted on 13 March 2020
Jonathan Wells, Chair of Haslingfield Choir, tells us about the choir's latest Adopt a Composer workshop with Alex Paxton.After...
Posted on 9 March 2020
Claire Victoria Roberts shares an insight into her first Adopt a Composer workshop with the Camden Symphony Orchestra.I was thrilled when...
Posted on 3 March 2020
With the film Military Wives out in cinemas this week, we celebrate the military wives choirs phenomenon that started out in Yorkshire with a Making...
Posted on 3 March 2020
Rob Jones reflects on the early challenges and rewards of writing his new Adopt a Composer piece for The Edge Chamber Choir.The past few months...
Posted on 28 February 2020
When published in 2011, the National Plan for Music Education (NPME)  was revolutionary – no other art form has a national plan, and none...
Posted on 27 February 2020
Eileen Sephton, Music Director of the Sussex Folk Orchestra, tells us about the groups first workshop with their adopted composer, Jonathan...
Posted on 25 February 2020
The event will be taking place at the Headingley Enterprise and Arts Centre, 28 and 29 March in Leeds. Making Music members can...
Posted on 19 February 2020
Jo Towler explains how promoter, Music in the Round, is bringing musical and cultural fusion to Sheffield.Music in the Round recently led a...
Posted on 12 February 2020
Jono Heale, Director of ACS Custom and bassist, highlights the problems around hearing loss for leisure-time musicians and what you can do to keep...
Posted on 6 February 2020
Susannah Wapshot, Musical Director of Helensburgh Oratorio, reflects on the groups first workshop with composer Aileen Sweeney and the Adopt a...