Digested news with all you need to know about what’s going on in areas affecting amateur music including forthcoming opportunities, campaigns and advocacy, resources, regulatory changes, events and feature stories.

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Displaying 589 - 600 of 856 results
Posted on 16 March 2018
It’s our second ‘date’ today. This time we are meeting in a Mexican restaurant. It’s all going really well, we laugh, we eat...
Posted on 14 March 2018
Let's hear it! For super easy concert ticketing that’s quick to set up, flexible and always low cost. Trybooking, our new corporate member...
Posted on 13 March 2018
For purist musicians, music technology can leave a bad taste in their mouth.  But what would it have been like if their own musical start in...
Posted on 12 March 2018
Bell ringers, pipers and buglers/trumpeters are invited to join A Nation's Tribute on 11 November 1918 to mark the 100th anniversary of the...
Posted on 8 March 2018
Three months into composer Edmund Hunt's Adopt a Composer collaboration with The Singers, he finds inspiration for the composition's text...
Posted on 8 March 2018
Last rehearsal we were finally given the chance to see an early draft of the exciting, original composition Gaynor Barradell has been working on...
Posted on 5 March 2018
BBC Radio 3 and Sage Gateshead are inviting local singers and choirs to sing live on BBC Radio 3’s In Tune to mark an important anniversary for...
Posted on 23 February 2018
The 8 February Surrey County Council (SCC) Communities Select Committee adopted some recommendations for the future of SPAL which will now be put...
Posted on 9 February 2018
Travelbound arranges music and performance tours to Europe and beyond. All our tours are tailor-made and offer each performer the opportunity to...
Posted on 7 February 2018
Evidence of this impact is extremely useful when we are making the case for leisure-time musical activity, but we realised there was no research from...
Posted on 6 February 2018
Today is the 100th anniversary of the Representation of the People Act 1918, a piece of legislation that enabled all men and some women over the age...
Posted on 5 February 2018
In a new inquiry the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee is to investigate ways in which taking part in the arts, cultural activities and...