Digested news with all you need to know about what’s going on in areas affecting amateur music including forthcoming opportunities, campaigns and advocacy, resources, regulatory changes, events and feature stories.

If your group is a member of Making Music, and you have a story you'd like to share about a project or activity you've been involved in, then let us know.

Displaying 337 - 348 of 857 results
Posted on 24 August 2020
Stella Duffy, Co-Director of Fun Palaces, explains how everyone can take part in this year's celebration of community culture on 3...
Posted on 19 August 2020
Making Music is delighted to announce the winners of the Philip and Dorothy Green Young Artists award: Elizabeth Bass (harp), Sirius Chau (flute...
#BringBackMyChoir // #BringBackMyBand hashtags black on white background
Posted on 17 August 2020
Making Music warmly welcomes the update published by DCMS to their performing arts guidance for England on 13 August.While there are still...
Posted on 15 August 2020
New Corporate Member The Light Music Society introduce its range of activities to help keep Light Music in the public...
Making Music Selected Artist
Posted on 13 August 2020
Emma-Jane Wyatt, of EJ-Arts, issues an open letter cosigned by 12 management and booking agents offering support to concert societies during these...
Posted on 6 August 2020
We are delighted to announce the shortlist for our new Making Music Awards, which will form part of an online celebratory evening of musical...
Posted on 1 August 2020
Hugh Elder introduces his offer of pro bono mediation to help Making Music members resolve COVID-19 related issuesMy name is Hugh Elder and...
Posted on 28 July 2020
Following their second Adopt a Composer workshop, the project with Rob Jones and the Edge Chamber Choir was halted due to the Covid-19 lockdown...
Posted on 20 July 2020
The latest DCMS guidance has put paid to Barbara Eifler's brass band's preparations for life in the 'new normal'. She...
Posted on 19 July 2020
New Corporate Member Polyphony Arts introduce their bespoke services supporting musicians and music organisationsPolyphony Arts is an innovative...
#BringBackMyChoir #BringBackMyBand
Posted on 14 July 2020
The UK government guidance on reopening the performing arts published on 9 July has caused widespread disappointment, so we are now giving you the...
group of people singing and clapping, looking happy in station foyer
Posted on 10 July 2020
The long-awaited guidance to cover the first three stages of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) ‘road map...