Digested news with all you need to know about what’s going on in areas affecting amateur music including forthcoming opportunities, campaigns and advocacy, resources, regulatory changes, events and feature stories.

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Displaying 61 - 72 of 91 results
Posted on 27 November 2018
In the first of four blog posts, composer Robert Laidlow discusses the rapid development of musical thoughts and directions for the AaC project with...
Posted on 2 November 2018
Edmund Hunt on final amendments and writing spacial awareness into a score.Since my previous blog post, The Singers and I have passed...
Posted on 1 August 2018
Composer Max Charles Davies on the Adopt a Composer scheme, collaborations, the budding of working relationships and positive ebb and flow of ideas....
Posted on 1 August 2018
Max Charles Davies on preparations for the inaugural public performance of his collaborative piece with Côr Crymych a'r Cylch as part of the...
Posted on 2 July 2018
Following on from part I where Ben set an exercise to find the words for the Training Stoneleigh Youth Orchestra, part II takes a look at the people...
Posted on 23 March 2018
There is a lot of debate about music education and arts funding at the moment. But these debates do not take note often enough of issues that affect...
Posted on 17 January 2018
After working with choirs for many years, one thing stands out to us at Club Europe Music Tours - choir members love spending that extra time...
Posted on 28 November 2017
What a great evening we had when Peter Yarde Martin (composer) and Jenni Pinnock (mentor) ventured to Honingham for a Thursday evening practice...
Posted on 18 September 2017
KEMS Concert Band is now back from its summer break (complete with tour to Belgium), and rehearsals for our premiere on 15 October are in full swing...
Posted on 18 August 2017
St Sepulchre’s in the City of London is known as the National Musicians' Church. Until now, it has, like many other churches, hosted...
Posted on 2 August 2017
Prom 1 – Beethoven, Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor Xenia Davies, Youth Engagement Manager As a very beginner pianist, this prom really...
Posted on 20 July 2017
Conducting; standing at the front waving your hands trying to control the music, without actually making any noise, is a strange activity. Although...