Quality Milton Keynes chamber choir seeks low bass

Vacancy Type: 
Application deadline: 
Sunday, 14 August 2022
Description of vacancy: 

Polymnia, a chamber choir based in Milton Keynes, has a vacancy in the bass section. We are no ordinary chamber choir - Lesley Garrett is our Patron. The wonderful vocal coach Jess Norton has just taken over as our Musical Director, we sing a very wide range of challenging music to a high standard and we like to tour. We rehearse on Friday evenings, but not every week.

Here is the rep for our concert on 3 April:

Copland: In the Beginning
Harris: Faire is the Heaven
Dolly Parton: Clear Blue Morning
Bach: O Jesu Christ, mein Lebens Licht
Stanford: The Blue Bird
Arr. Rob Dietz: Wade in the Water
Jonathan Dove: Seek him that maketh the seven stars
Gesualdo: O Vos Omnes
For more information please phone Gina on 07729765559 or email singers.polymnia@gmail.com
Bow Brickhill community hall MK17 9LH Milton Keynes
United Kingdom