Request for Quote – Online Marketing Support | Making Music

Request for Quote – Online Marketing Support

Application deadline: 
Saturday, 22 November 2025
Description of vacancy: 

New London Music Association (NLMA) is a registered charity that runs residential music courses throughout the year in different locations in the country. The courses attract amateur musicians from a number of different disciplines, including instrumental and choral. To date the principal offering has been a week-long summer music course in August which typically attracts between 100 and 130 paying attendees.  The course is called New London Music School (NLMS).  Participants can elect to take part in a string group, a sinfonietta orchestra, a symphony orchestra or a choir. More courses may be introduced in future. The summer music course aims to make a small profit each year to allow reinvestment into the course.

Music course participants, known as members, frequently return year on year but each year there is a requirement to reach new people who have never attended any of the courses to ensure continuity and sustainability of the music courses and diversify the age group and backgrounds of those that participate.

NLMA/NLMS has not reviewed its approach to marketing for some time and needs some support in directing promotional messages towards its target audiences.

Support Required – maximum budget £1,500 (incl of VAT)

Review NLMA/NLMS’s current social media presence and suggest improvements that can be made, with the express aim of attracting new members for each of the courses offered.

Identify networks and potential avenues for online promotion of NLMA/NLMS’s courses using a variety of different social media channels, having regard to each of the courses offered and their potential audiences

Pull together a 12 month plan and implement an online marketing campaign that builds NLMA/NLMSs online presence within its target audiences and attracts additional applications to NLMA/NLMS’s music courses.

Track and share metrics from the campaign to inform NLMA/NLMS’s future marketing strategy and spend and show how the campaign has delivered value for money

Please provide a short proposal outlining how you would approach the brief and deliver the requirements within the stated budget.

Your proposal should be sent to Stephanie Burras  at by 22nd November 2024.