Tenors and Basses | Making Music

Tenors and Basses

Vacancy Type: 
Application deadline: 
Monday, 21 April 2025
Description of vacancy: 

Knaresborough Choral Society are a local, amateur choir looking forward to celebrating our 40th Birthday next year. We are on the look out for lower voices to join us (ladies who sing tenor would be very welcome!). We are a friendly bunch of about 70 singers, making music for pleasure, along with regular social events and fundraising evenings. We perform 3 concerts per year, usually in local churches or our town's secondary school hall. We would love to welcome you for a couple of taster sessions before you decide to join us, there are no auditions or voice tests. Just come down one Thursday evening during term time, further details are on our website or by emailing knaresboroughchoralsociety@gmail.com.

Gracious Street Methodist Church
Gracious Street
HG5 8AN Knaresborough
United Kingdom