Ipswich Chamber Choir

Founded in 1984 by Martyn Bagnall, Ipswich Chamber Choir is proud of its reputation for a wide and challenging repertoire and a high standard of performance.
We are a friendly choir pleased to collaborate with other groups, giving at least 3 concerts a year in and around Ipswich and the opportunity to join a summer cathedral services weekend. We employ a professional music director, Benedict Collins Rice and an assistant music director, Caroline Finlay. We perform with a high calibre of professional instrumentalists and soloists.
The Choir welcomes new members subject to a voice check with the Music Director and currently we would be pleased to hear from tenors in particular. We also offer the chance for younger people to enter a free apprenticeship scheme, including mentoring by the MD.
Please see our website for updates regarding activities and concerts at www.ipswichchamberchoir.org.uk or contact ipswichchamberchoir@gmail.com
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