Community Live Music - Skegness Community Orchestra

Running since July 2016 we welcome players of any instrument without audition or minimum standard.
Our minimum age limit is aged 12 and in school Year 8. There is no upper limit, and some of our members are over 80 (but we only ask you to declare if you are 18 or over).
We meet, at least monthly, on a Saturday morning and usually have about 30 attending playing a huge variety of instruments - violin, viola, flute, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, contrabassoon, recorder, horn, cornet, trumpet, mandolin, guitar, bass, piano/keyboard, drum, timpani, xylophone, glockenspiel, untuned percussion.....
Just bring your instrument, a music stand if you have one, and your enthusiasm to play! You will be made very welcome.
Details of the next rehearsal can be found on our Facebook page.
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