Chiltern Choir

The Chiltern Choir is group of about 60 – 70 singers, with members from Chorleywood, Rickmansworth and the wider Chiltern area. During the recent lockdowns we have continued with our rehearsal programme online, using Zoom. Concerts and tours have been suspended for the time being. Please check out our website for the latest updates.

Our Musical Director is Michael Cayton; the President of the Choir is Patricia Parkes, a founding member of the original group of singers. Our resident accompanist is Anna Le Hair.

Usually the Choir performs three to four concerts each year, at a local venue or church. We have a varied repertoire, singing works from the traditional choral repertoire but also more contemporary compositions and arrangements. Some of our most exciting challenges have been performances of Will Todd’s Mass in Blue with accompaniment from the Will Todd trio and Bethany Halliday, and in contrast Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem in St Alban’s Cathedral, when we joined with Harrow Choral Society.

The choir aims to go on tour alternate years and in the year when there is no tour, we aim to plan an opportunity to sing the weekend services at a British cathedral.

We are a friendly bunch and social events, which also have a fund raising element, are an important part of our year – guided walks, quiz suppers and summer barbeques are all part of our calendar.

If you would like to try singing with us you are most welcome to attend rehearsals for a few weeks without any commitment. We are particularly keen to add new tenors to our group. Do have a look at our website and if you would like to give singing with us a go then get in touch.


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Choral Society


Main: Classical
Other: Modern/contemporary classical