Cambridge Harmony Chorus
In 1982 a small group of women came together to sing four part, unaccompanied harmony
in 'barbershop' style.'barbershop' style. Thirty-plus years on, and Cambridge Harmony
now has a membership of around 30 ladies, and we sing regularly
at events and venues in and around Cambridge.
We rehearse on Monday evenings throughout the year. Each rehearsal includes physical and
vocal warm-ups, singing craft-work, revision of repertoire songs and work on a new song.
Rehearsals are relaxed and friendly, but we work hard as well as enjoying ourselves.
Occasionally we put on a Show – which involves lots of hard work as we have a long and
varied programme of songs to entertain an audience for a whole evening.
And every year we do lots of ‘sing-outs’; performing to a wide range of audiences in
assorted venues including shopping centres, university halls, village halls,
churches and residential homes.
Cambridge Harmony Chorus gained charitable status in 2013 due to our commitment to
music excellence and education, and public benefit through our singing performances.
The Chorus is run by a Management Team elected from the membership and including the
Musical Director.
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