Could your group be on Classic FM this Christmas? | Making Music

Could your group be on Classic FM this Christmas?

* The 2019 Classic FM carol competition is now closed. To listen to carols submitted by Making Music groups, visit our SoundCloud page *

Classic FM has around 5.7 million listeners tuning in each week, making it the biggest classical music radio station in the world. Since 2008, as part of Making Music's ongoing partnership with Classic FM, we regularly offer member groups the chance to submit their Christmas carol recordings for broadcast on Classic FM’s Drive programme in the lead up to Christmas.

How many carol recordings will be selected?

Five carols will be selected from those submitted to us for broadcast by Classic FM.

Only choirs?

No, it's not just choirs - if you have a recording of your instrumental group performing a carol, please do send it in!

What is the maximum length for the recording?

Five minutes, but if you have a fantastic recording that's longer Classic FM will consider it, so please still send it in.

What else do you need apart from the recording?

Please also send us:

1. 100-200 words including:

  • the title of the carol
  • the composer's name
  • your group name
  • your conductor's name
  • any soloists' names
  • any other musicians or ensembles in the recording

2. your website address

3. any social media handles you use.

How should we submit our carol?

You can send us your audio file via:

  • a CD
  • a USB stick
  • an online file-sharing site (such as WeTransfer, free to use)

If you're ripping the audio from a CD, please make sure it's in WAV format rather than MP3.

The quality of your recording will be a strong deciding factor in whether your carol is selected, so please select the best possible recording.

Where do we send the recording?

Please email your recording to or send it by post to Harriet Laidler, Making Music, 8 Holyrood Street, London SE1 2EL

What's the deadline?

9am Friday 22 November.

When will we know if our carol has been selected?

We'll let you know by Friday 13 December.

When will the carols be broadcast?

One carol will be broadcast each weekday on Classic FM Drive (5pm-8pm) in the week beginning Monday 16 December.

Submit your carol

If you have any questions, please contact