National Lottery Project Grants: Supporting Grassroots Live Music Fund | Making Music

National Lottery Project Grants: Supporting Grassroots Live Music Fund

Application Deadline: 
Distributing Body: 
Arts Council England


A ring-fenced fund of £1.5 million will be available until September 2023. After this time, it will continue as a Project Grant priority until September 2025.  

We welcome applications from those who work with all types of musical types and genres. We are keen to support projects that bring the full spectrum of contemporary popular music genres to live audiences. This includes genres like:

  • electronic (including house, electronica, drum & bass, dubstep, experimental, etc)
  • hip-hop, grime, etc
  • indie and alternative
  • metal and punk
  • pop
  • rock (including blues, modern, post-rock etc)

We are also keen to support projects that develop diverse approaches to music programming, incorporating for example classical, jazz, folk, and/or world music alongside contemporary pop.

Grants from £1k – 40k.

There are no application deadlines, and the application form is always available online.