Hugh Fraser Foundation | Making Music

Hugh Fraser Foundation

Application Deadline: 
Distributing Body: 
Hugh Fraser Foundation
Beneficiary type: 


Grants are available to non-profit organisations for charitable work in the UK, with a preference for Scotland.  The Trustees favour smaller, more focused causes rather than large highly-publicised appeals.

Grants are made to non-profit organisations for charitable purposes. The Trustees' focus is on making grants to charitable bodies to assist them with their work.

The Trustees' policy is to pay special regard to applications from Scotland, particularly from parts of Scotland where the local economy and/or circumstances make fundraising for charitable purposes difficult.

Application is by way of letter which should describe the project, and include the following:

  • A budget, if appropriate.
  • Copy of the organisation's latest accounts if formal accounts are prepared, or most recent Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure account or Bank Statement, if formal accounts are not prepared.
  • Copy of the organisation's Constitution or Policy Statement if not a registered charity.

No maximum or minimum grant levels are specified.  Applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

No website – contact details are:

Heather Thompson
The Hugh Fraser Foundation
Turcan Connell

Princess Exchange
1 Earl Grey Street